1. Information relating to cookies
This section contains information relating to the cookie policy of the site https://www.fabulas.bio.
The cookie policy may be periodically updated, so it is advisable to consult this document every time you access the site, in order to be correctly informed on how and why cookies are used.
2. Data controller
Data Controller is FABULAS s.r.l
P.IVA 02559630690, street Piana della Masseria SNC 66010 Fara Filiorum Petri (CH)
Mail Address: sales@fabulas.bio
3. What are cookies
4. Technical Cookies
Technical cookies do not require the user’s prior consent. They are used to guarantee the correct functioning of the site in order to provide the User with an excellent user-friendly experience. Cookies therefore guarantee normal navigation of the Sites, also allowing the preferences expressed by the User to be saved and to optimize their navigation.
5. Third Party Cookies
A distinction is made between cookies sent to the browser directly from the site you are visiting and third-party cookies sent to your computer from external sites and not from the one you are visiting.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free service that Google makes available for monitoring your website.
Privacy Policy
6. How can I control the installation and deactivation of cookies
It is possible to disable cookies by calling the button at the bottom left (except the necessary ones) or based on the browser used. Most browsers are programmed to accept cookies automatically, however the user can choose not to receive them by accessing the browser settings and disabling their use according to the following procedures
Microsoft Windows Explorer (Edge)
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
If your browser is not present you can read up on the information from the browser itself. Mail Address: sales@fabulas.bio